Monday, October 15, 2012

The Birds and the Bees

While learning about the life cycle of animals our science book reads "When a female ostrich is an adult she can find a male ostrich and they can reproduce." This brought on A the ask, "That's only with animals right?"
Miss E.-"What's only with animals?" 
A- "Needing a male and a female to reproduce?"
Miss E.- "No, you need a male and a female for plants too."
A- "But not with humans right?"
Miss E.- "No, humans need a male and a female to reproduce."
A- "But girls have babies without being married"
Miss E.-"Yes they do but somewhere along the way there is a guy involved."
A- "How?"
Miss E.- "Just trust me animals, plants and humans need a male and a female to reproduce."
A- "Okay"
... I've never been so glad that they accept "Just trust me" as an answer

Later the same day ...
A- "Miss E, why do you wear a ring on your wedding finger every day?"
Miss E- "It is a symbol of my promise to God that I will wait patiently for my future husband."
A. & G.- "Aww, that's nice!"
D.- "You mean your imaginary husband?"
Miss E- "What? No, not my imaginary husband, the husband that I hope to have one day."
D.- Awkward stare and shoulder shrug
... I guess I am supposed to have an imaginary husband

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